1 oz of Cream Soda
1 oz of Orange Juice
2-3 squirts of whipping cream
1 shot of vanilla vodka
3-4 of ice
1 of peel of orange (or Smirnoff Orange Twist Vodka)
1 of chocolate syrup
1. drop 2-3 ice cubes into glass\r
2. pour 2 ounces chilled vanilla vodka over ice cubes\r
3. pour 1 ounce low acid, pulp-free orange juice into vodka; the citrus flavor will shock the alcohol (even though it's already flavored) and will lessen the alcohol taste\r
4. pour 1 ounce cream soda into glass\r
5. stir generously with swizzle stick \r
6. squirt desired amount of whipping cream on top of the mixture\r
7. drizzle with chocolate syrup if desired\r
8. garnish with orange slice/peel if desired\r
9. stick a straw in\r
10. enjoy!